Partnership in R&D projects
Indaco is a Small Enterprise registered in the National Registry of Innovative SMEs for pursuing the mission of prompting Research and Innovation in the field of Sustainable Development.
/Indaco è una società inscritta nel registro nazionale delle PMI innovative in virtù della missione che persegue di promuovere la Ricerca e l’Innovazione nel campo dello Sviluppo Sostenibile.

Indaco acts as partner enterprise in R&D funded projects aimed at validating innovative technologies, management systems, organisations and techniques clearly address ed to sustainable development. Moreover, Indaco develops actions of knowledge transfer and capacity building in transdisciplinary and participating processes and dissemination to wide audiences of non specialists by making scientific issues clear and easily understandable. /Indaco è partner in progetti finanziati di ricerca e sviluppo che intendono validare tecnologie innovative, sistemi di gestione, organizzazioni e tecniche chiaramente orientate allo sviluppo sostenibile. Inoltre, Indaco sviluppa azioni di trasferimento della conoscenza e costruzione di competenze nell’ambito di collaborazioni transdisciplinari e processi partecipativi e disseminazione ad un pubblico vasto di non specialisti comunicando contenuti scientifici in forma semplice e chiara.
Staff members of Indaco have a high expertise in European, National and Regional financed projects for cooperation, research and innovation in different sectors of activities:
/Lo staff di Indaco ha una ricca esperienza nello sviluppo di progetti finanziati con fondi europei, nazionali e regionali per la cooperazione, la ricerca e l’innovazione nei vari settori:
A list of most relevant R&D projects including activities developed by the staff members of Indaco. /Segue una lista dei principali progetti R&D ai quali i membri di Indaco hanno preso parte.
– 2009-10. Project: MoTo – Mobiliotà Toscana. Monitoring of urban dynamics in the metrolpolitan area of Central Tuscany. Method: Real time monitoring technique based on mobile telecommunication technology. Funded by Tuscan Region (selected from the competition for research and innovation in the territorial and environmental field). Funded by: General Directorate of Territorial and Environmental Policies of Tuscany.
– 2011-13 – Project: GREENED (Giardini Rampanti per l’Efficienza Energetica degli Edifici) – Sustainability evaluation of vertical greenery systenms (methodologies: eMergy evaluation, Life Cycle Assessment). Funded by Tuscan Region (selected from the competition P.A.R. FAS Regione Toscana for research projects in social-economic-human sciences).
– 2014-2016 – Project: “City-Zen – a balanced approach to the city of the future”, EU_FP7 for research, technological development and demonstration – grant agreement No 608702.
– 2016-2018 – Project: “ENEPLAN – Developing skills in the field of integrated energy planning in MED landscapes”. Funding pogram ERASMUS Plus Capacity Building 2015-2017 (ref. 2015-3653/001-001).
– 2016-2018 – Project “BASIQ – La Bottega Alimentare della Sostenibilità, Identità, Qualità”, misura 16.2 per il Piano Integrato di Filiera (PIF) “Mangiare Corto per Guardare Lontano” financed by the Tuscan Region (2016-2017).
– 2017-2019 – Project “MAESTRALE – Maritime Energy Deployment Strategy in the Mediterranean”, Funding Program Interreg MED 2014-2020; Priority Axis: 1. Promoting Med innovation capacities; Specific Objective: 1.1 To increase transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of key sectors. Type: M1 studying & M2 testing.